Gary Mills wrote:
> We have a Cyrus murder configuration with one proxy front-end and
> one storage back-end.  I'm very pleased with it.  However, users who
> happen to look at the full headers of their e-mail are often alarmed
> by the word `murder' that appears in the first `Received' header.
> It's even worse when the message is from daemon!
> Here are some typical headers.  Would it be possible to eliminate
> the offensive word or replace it with something more meaningful?

Not sure why the average user would be looking at Received headers, or 
care what they say, but feel free to replace it.  What you are looking 
for is in protocol.c as a hard-coded LHLO parameter.

Kenneth Murchison
Systems Programmer
Project Cyrus Developer/Maintainer
Carnegie Mellon University
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