On 12 Oct 07, at 1901, Ian G Batten wrote:

> I've just brought up our 2.3.9 installation.  My logs are filled with
> `idled: unrecognized message: 3', happening around the time of
> login.  Should I worry?

Tracked that one down.  In 2.2 you need --with-idle=idled.  With 2.3  
you need --enable-idled.  I compiled 2.3 with the same config deck as  
2.2, and then installed it into the same partition.  So I had the 2.2  
idled.  Which worked, astoundingly enough, but logged a lot of  
problems with things it didn't understand.

Anyroadup, ~1000 users on a T2000, load average is below 1.0, zfs'd  
metadata partitions (compression=on, atime=off) are taking most of  
the load with the non-metadata partitions over NFS being treated very  


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