Hi Daniel,

On 14.01.2008, at 10:21, Daniel Aquino wrote:

On Jan 14, 2008 4:14 AM, FORMER 03 | Baltasar Cevc

Please note that the usual setup with virtual domains is to have
"/" as hierarchy separator. Using ".", you cannot have usernames
as "some.name". So maybe you should consider changing it.
Can you point me to some docs on this?

I havn't seen this...


You should probably read the whole document because it explains
the possible side effects.


That page says nothing about replacing . with /
You're right, the documentation is not optimal there.

By the way: please try not to cite all the old mails when replying.
We've already read them ;-)


_____ FORMER 03 GmbH
_____ infanteriestraße 19 haus 6 eg
_____ 80797 muenchen

_____ www.former03.de

_____ fon 089.322112.29
_____ fax 089.322112.11
_____ mobil 0171.405.14.33

_____ geschäftsführer
_____ sebastian fiedler
_____ gert zellentin

_____ handelsregister
_____ HRB München 148468

_____ steuer
_____ ust.-id DE 2291076876

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