On 08 Oct 08, at 1119, Bron Gondwana wrote:

> On Wed, 8 Oct 2008 09:24:49 +0100, "Ian G Batten" <[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> > said:
>> What's the testing status of the SQL backend for cyrusdb?   I'll
>> switch batten.eu.org over to it, but that only has a dozen or so
>> users; ftel.co.uk's 1000+ users might be a little tenser.  I'm keen  
>> to
>> switch as the ability to replicate cyrusdb as well as replicating the
>> entire mailsystem is attractive.
> You are aware that cyrus replication replicates DB records for all the
> important things as well, aren't you?

Yes, of course.  It's just that having, many years ago, experienced  
the loss of a cyrusdb, being able to keep up-to-date copies of it  
which I can use without the nuclear option of failing over to my off- 
site replica is a good thing.  So I will shortly have my whole Cyrus  
instance (~60K mailboxes, ~1000 users, ~4TB of mail) replicated via  
GigE to a remote site.  But if my local instance went south just  
because Cyrus DB had gone, being able to simply switch cyrusdb to a  
MySQL/PostgresQL replica while keeping mail service on the master is  
preferable to doing a full off-site failover.


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