> Simon Matter wrote:
>>> Can anyone tell me where the file(s) with list of email addresses that
>>> have been sent a vacation reply lives in a debian installation? I can't
>>> seem to find it.
>> Hi,
>> I think what you are looking for is deliver.db in $configdir. Don't know
>> on Debian but on my systems it's /var/lib/imap/deliver.db.
>> Regards,
>> Simon
> Thanks, I found it. Didn't answer my question though, since I can't read
> it. Wanted to see if my test email sent to a user on vacation was read,
> and entered into the database, but for some reason the vacation response
> didn't work, or if it didn't even get that far. Is it possible/likely
> that this could have been corrupted, and that is why I have a user whose
> vacation sieve doesn't work? It seems like this file must be used by all
> users. Is it used for anything besides vacations? What would happen if I
> deleted it?

I'm not exactly an expert here... but IIRC deliver.db is also used to
detect duplicate deliveries and things like single instance storage may
therefore also use it.
But, removing it should not hurt much. It will get created again and maybe
some users will get vacation responses again because of it but nothing
serious should happen. Maybe you just rename it and check how it goes so
you can go back if there is need to.


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