Problem: when users pick up specific type of email from our CYRUS IMAP
server with Outlook 2007 as the client, the body of the mail is turned into
an attachment and there is no email body.


   1. An application (PeopleSoft, though I can duplicate it with Perl, etc.)
   generates a normal MIME email: disposition: inline, filename: [some
   name.htm] and Sends using normal SMTP server (linux)
   2. Email forwarded
      1. Forwarded to Cyrus IMAP Server (e.g., [name])
         1. Picked up with non-Outlook 2007 client (e.g., Eudora,
         Thunderbird): appears normal
         2. **** Picked up with Outlook 2007 client: body of mail rendered
         as an attachment, no email body ******
      2. Forwarded to Exchange or other server (e.g., GMAIL): regardless of
      client (Outlook 2007, etc.), mail text appears in the body.

We cannot change the PeopleSoft application itself.

What is causing this odd behavior? Is there a way to configure Cyrus to work
around this problem?

Gary Furash, MBA, PMP | Mosaic HR Technical Team
University of Arizona | University Information Technology Services (UITS)
520-907-2470 |
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