> Debian is still stuck on 2.2 and there seems to be no progress in that area.
> The main problem they apparently have, is the migration path for the various
> DB files from 2.2 to 2.3.
> (The 2.3 version itself works fine as .deb packages)

What "migration path"?  Cyrus 2.3 supports all of the same database
backends that Cyrus 2.2 did.

To the best of my knowledge, you can drop in Cyrus 2.3 binaries, and
with the same config files as 2.2 used, everything will just work.
You can't easily go back, because I believe that 2.3 will update
cyrus.index files to a format which 2.2 doesn't recognize, but that
shouldn't prevent anyone from upgrading.


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