Thanks Bron,

i was thinking that  expunged messages are controlled only by cyr_expire.

On Tue, Feb 8, 2011 at 7:36 AM, Bron Gondwana <> wrote:

> On Sun, Feb 06, 2011 at 02:27:12PM -0200, Lucas Zinato Carraro wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I configure cyrus (imapd.conf ) with:
> >
> > ..............
> > delete_mode: delayed
> > .............
> > expunge_mode: delayed
> >
> > and in cyrus.conf
> >
> > ..................
> > EVENTS {
> >   checkpoint    cmd="/usr/cyrus/bin/ctl_cyrusdb -c" period=5
> >   delprune        cmd="/usr/cyrus/bin/cyr_expire -E 60 -X 60 -D 60"
> at=2301
> >   tlsprune      cmd="/usr/cyrus/bin/tls_prune" at=0400
> >   squatter        cmd="/usr/cyrus/bin/squatter -s -r user" at=2300
> > }
> >
> > But when i check with unexpunge the mailboxes does not have expunged
> > messages from 60 days.
> > I have mailboxes with 7 days, 14 days and 20 days.
> >
> > Only cyr_expire remove expunged messages ?
> Oohh... I suspect you're being bitten by this: (from man imapd.conf)
>  expunge_days: 7
>      Number  of  days  to  retain  expunged messages before cleaning up
>      their index records.  The default is 7.   This  is  necessary  for
>      QRESYNC  to  work  correctly.   If  combined  with delayed expunge
>      (above) you will also be able to unexpunge  messages  during  this
>      time.
> So it will clean up after 14 days actually - if you haven't done
> the cleanup yourself in the meantime with cyr_expire.  This is done
> during mailbox close.  It's me trying to be more clever than I should!
> The easy fix is just to put "expunge_days: 60" in your config.  Longer
> term I want to fix cyr_expire not to be so complex and multi-function.
> Even just better defaults would be good!  At the moment it will still
> wipe all expunged messages if you get the command line wrong.
> Bron.
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