It appears that the front end does know that it has the mailbox:

[cyrus@postoffice09 ~]$ cyr_dbtool `pwd`/mailboxes.db skiplist show user.frodo user.frodo 1!default frodo lrswipkxtecda

The backend knows nothing about the user frodo:

[cyrus@mailstore07 ~]$ cyr_dbtool /var/lib/imap/mailboxes.db skiplist show user.frodo
[cyrus@mailstore07 ~]$

Murder does know:

[cyrus@murder ~]$ cyr_dbtool /var/lib/imap/mailboxes.db skiplist show user.frodo user.frodo 1!default frodo lrswipkxtecda

Deleting the mailbox using cyr_dbtool works, which does resolve the problem.


On 7/1/11 9:49 AM, Dan White wrote:

Could it be due to a referral loop, where the frontend believes the mailbox
exists on the backend, but the backend doesn't know about it?

What does the mailbox look like in the output of cyr_dbtool on the frontend
and the backend?, and does it 'fix' the problem if you delete it manually
on the frontend with cyr_dbtool?

Here's a usage example:

cyrus@mail:/var/spool/imap$ file /var/lib/imap/mailboxes.db /var/lib/imap/mailboxes.db: Cyrus skiplist DB

cyrus@mail:/var/spool/imap$ cyr_dbtool /var/lib/imap/mailboxes.db skiplist show user.test1234 user.test1234 (uniqueid 6ebe0fe04dad935f) 0 default test1234 lrswipkxtecda user.test1234.trash (uniqueid 638c3a464dad9368) 0 default test1234 lrswipkxtecda cyrus@mail:/var/spool/imap$ cyr_dbtool /var/lib/imap/mailboxes.db skiplist get 'user.test1234.trash' (uniqueid 638c3a464dad9368) 0 default test1234 lrswipkxtecda cyrus@mail:/var/spool/imap$ cyr_dbtool /var/lib/imap/mailboxes.db skiplist delete 'user.test1234.trash' cyrus@mail:/var/spool/imap$ cyr_dbtool /var/lib/imap/mailboxes.db skiplist get 'user.test1234.trash'

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