Al 24/10/11 15:20, En/na Gabriele Bulfon ha escrit:

> I read all around the web that is not safe to run Cyrus imap over NFS, but
> these posts are old,
> so I was wandering if something changed with new releases of Cyrus and/or NFS.

Hi. I am also interested in a NFS backend. I don't want to share
the NFS partition among servers, so locking should not be an issue.
I found this FAQ, it is old:

> Actually, I have a Solaris based Cyrus 2.3.16 that happily runs its spool over
> NFS, and it's even
> quite fast.

I do have a cyrus-2.2 with the mail spool in NFS but the /var/lib/cyrus
in local drive. It runs fine so long. It is even faster than iSCSI in
my hardware.

> Now, I'm trying with a Linux and Cyrus 2.4.12. Here it looks unstable,
> sometime fast, sometime like locked.

I guess you already found it, but did you see this thread ?

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