On 06/22/2012 06:35 AM, Adam Tauno Williams wrote:
> On Thu, 2012-06-21 at 13:07 -0300, Rodrigo Abantes Antunes wrote:
>> The source from horde3 is exactly the same as horde4
> That is expected.  It isn't the message but the interpretation of the
> message.  These evil messages contain many named parts separated by a
> boundry (the boundry value is declared in the header of the message).
> Then parts of a message can refer to other parts of the message.  So
> either H4 can't correctly [or incorrectly!] parse the message into parts
> by boundry or one part references another part that isn't found.
> It would be useful to ask this question on the Horde / IMP mail list.

I think this originated as a bug report to Horde and they think it's the 
IMAP server's fault.

Rodrigo, can you forward the message to me?


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