Thanks for your suggestions.
Reading list archives, many alerted against NFS for cyrus imap.
Someone listed the fwrite syscall as the source of problems with NFS.

I found some old bug reports
but browsing http://git.cyrusimap.org/cyrus-imapd/ a little, it seems that
recent 2.4.x versions uses fwrite only for db operations.

Is this assumption correct?
Are there another syscalls in cyrus that cause trouble with NFS 3 or 4?

If so, then, as we use metadata partition at separated high-speed LUN  on fs and
kernel tuned for small files[1,2,3],  it could be possible to use NFS only for
data partition.

Had anyone tried this approach on production?

What are the recent cyrus 2.4.x versions experiences over NFS?

Andre Felipe Machado
[3] http://www.techforce.com.br/news/linux_blog/xenserver_reduzir_latencia_i_o

On 19/Mar/2013 09:50 Eric Luyten <eric.luy...@vub.ac.be> wrote ..

> > Maybe, if cyrus becomes compatible with NFS, then HSM solutions like
> > http://www.openarchive.net could help.
> Andre,
> While, in general, participants in this forum still are pretty reluctant
> putting their Cyrus mailstores on NFS storage, there has been at least
> one architect/administrator of a very large Cyrus configuration pretty
> happy using NetApp filers and NFS as their underlying storage structure.
> When using intelligent storage (does not have to be NFS, sub-LUN tiering
> in block access methods (iSCSI, FC) will also do the job) you will be
> pushing the tiering issue down to your storage level, which may be (part
> of) a solution to your problem.
> Kind regards,
> Eric Luyten, Computing Centre VUB/ULB.

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