On 12/12/2013 10:11 AM, sofkam wrote:
> I am in the process of replacing our Cyrus Front-End servers with a
> proxy server that can front both Exchange and Cyrus IMAP, as well as
> future IMAP hosts as we move and migrate users.  The two that stand out
> are:  Perdition, and NGinX.  I'm looking for recommendations, or
> experience with either, or additional suggestions to examine.
We started out using Perdition, because we needed to move towards a unified
mail frontend and at the time we had UWash.   Exactly as you describe, 
in 2005 we
still had users pointing to their particular backend hostname. Having 
Perdition in front
also allowed us to gradually move user mailstores to Cyrus and it was 
to the user.  We set Perdition to only offer a common list of 
capabilities during
the initial phase.  Once were completely on Cyrus we filled out the 

We use LDAP for referencing which backend the user is on.

We are still running Perdition and never got around to fiddling with Murder.

It "just works" and I have no complaints.
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