On 06.01.2014 8:03, Bron Gondwana wrote:
> I think the problem is that just about nobody is running nntp
I for one would /love/ to make some of the mailboxes, where I archive some
private mailing lists, available to people via NNTP (read-only) -- one list per
"news-group". In my opinion, it is a method much superior to the perversely
popular HTML archivers (like mhonarc or the mailman's component), for example.

Unfortunately, every time I ventured to configure such a set up, I could not do
it in reasonable time and was forced to abandon the effort.

Whereas there are plenty of howtos and manuals for setting up an IMAP-server
with Cyrus, the NNTP is either undocumented, or the documentation is so old, it
refers to obsoleted versions of the software. If someone using NNTP were to
document it, maybe, the user-base would start growing?

> so it didn't get much testing.
Maybe, if Cyrus developers "ate their own dogfood" -- keeping the archives of
this mailing list available via NNTP, for example?..



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