On Wed, Apr 29, 2015, at 08:46 AM, lowpass wrote:
> I do have socket and lock dirs under /var/lib/cyrus but they were last
> modified several years ago and seem to be left over from some other
> config. Other dirs there have seen more recent activity. Everything
> seems to be pointing towards the socket & lock dirs being created
> under /run but there's nothing there.

/run is a tmpfs which gets created fresh on each reboot.

Cyrus starts as user 'cyrus' and has no permission to create the
directories it needs.

Your init script should create the directories - but if you moved them
somewhere other than where the package expects them to be, then it won't
create intermediate directories for you.

So, here's the thing:

1) double check that /var/run and /run are the same place - they're
   mostly a symlink in recent Debian/Ubuntu systems. If not, I suggest
   that you audit your configuration to be all in /var/run or all in
   /run (probably a good idea anyway for more consistency.

2) run these commands as root:

mkdir /run/cyrus chown cyrus /run/cyrus

3) either put those commands in a startup script that runs before Cyrus
   starts, or edit the init script for Cyrus - though note that if you
   edit the init script, you'll have to re-apply those edits on upgrade.

Unfortunately, this isn't something we can fix in the Cyrus binaries.
They try to create the directories, but they just plain don't have
permissions to do so at that stage of the process.



Bron Gondwana br...@fastmail.fm

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