This could very well be a bug in the upgrade :(  It would be great to have a 
test case to check this.  I can't do that today, but maybe ellie can do 

Sadly our bug tracking situtation for Cyrus is a mess at the moment, but I'm 
hoping to have that cleaned up soon.


On Mon, Jun 20, 2016, at 19:33, Wolfgang Breyha via Info-cyrus wrote:
> Hi!
> I upgraded some backend hosts from 2.4.18 to 2.5.8. Currently they are all
> still running with index version 12.
> Some of these mailboxes have squatter activated as annotation and my
> cyrus.conf has
> squatter      cmd="squatter -asir *" at=0500
> I see that it runs at night and logs entries like:
> Jun 20 05:00:15 lauren squatter[27593]: indexing mailbox user.xxxx
> There are no errors in the log from squatter.
> But today I recognized on my own mailbox that squatter returns nothing while
> searching with thunderbird. The resulting imap request looked like:
> <1466414132<18 UID Search UNDELETED (OR (OR OR TO "search" HEADER CC "search"
> SUBJECT "search") BODY "search")
> <1466414132>* SEARCH
> 18 OK Completed (0 msgs in 0.010 secs)
> I then moved the current squat db and the same search returned 214 messages.
> Rebuiling the squat db and searching again resulted in the exact same 214
> messages.
> It seems that something changed within the squat DB and 2.5 can't search in
> the old 2.4 DBs. That's bad in two ways.
> *) search doesn't fail with an error and simply returns no result. no fallback
> to searching without squat db.
> *) the squat db is not refreshed/rebuilt after upgrade.
> Is this a bug or is something broken on my side?
> Greetings, Wolfgang
> -- 
> Wolfgang Breyha <> |
> Vienna University Computer Center | Austria
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