Hi James,
the command that performs the actual removal of the files from the file
system is cyr_expire
According to your cyrus.conf and the manual of cyr_expire, the operation is
performed daily at 04:00. The command is executed by the main cyrus
process, so you don't have to do anything else manually...
The parameters -D 180d and -X 180d specify that only mailboxes and messages
that are at least 180 days old will be deleted.

When cyr_expire is executed you should see a line in your log file like

May 11 04:03:18 mail cyr_expire[2573]: Expired 0 and expunged 7033 out of
3098366 messages from 5035 mailboxes
May 12 04:03:14 mail cyr_expire[19325]: Expired 0 and expunged 44241 out of
3092823 messages from 5035 mailboxes
May 13 04:04:23 mail cyr_expire[27698]: Expired 0 and expunged 77735 out of
3050025 messages from 5035 mailboxes

This states how many messages and mailboxes were permanently deleted from
the filesystem.

If you only performed the upgrade recently and delayed delete was not
active until then, you will only notice cyr_expire actually deleting
messages and mailboxes 180 days after the upgrade, since there will be no
messages that old until then...
You should adjust "180d" to your needs and requirements. -D refers to
deleted mailboxes and -X to deleted messages.

Savvas Karagiannidis
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