Dear all

I am proud to announce the first stable release of MyGNUHealth, the GNU
Health Personal Health Record for desktop and mobile devices.

From now on, anyone can benefit from a Libre Personal Health
application that respects our privacy, both from our desktops and from
our libre phones (such as the PinePhone). MyGNUHealth is more than a
health and activity tracker, since it incorporates state-of-the-art
technology and resources from medicine, genomics and
bioinformatics. Thanks to the integration with the GNU Federation, we
can communicate and share the information we wish with our health
professionals in real-time.

You can read the announcement with screenshots from here, as well as
from planet.

Immense gratitude to all of you who, directly or indirectly, have made
it possible. 

Let's keep on fighting for freedom, equity and privacy in healthcare
around the world!

Happy and healthy hacking

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If you have a working or partly working program that you'd like
to offer to the GNU project as a GNU package,

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