Dear GNU community:

Ia m happy to announce that the release 1.0.3 of the GNU Health
Personal Health Record (PHR) component, MyGNUHealth.

This release updates the medical genetics domain, with the latest human
natural variant dataset based on UniProt Consortium (release 2021_03 of
June 02 2021).

Statistics for single amino acid variants:

             Likely pathogenic or pathogenic (LP/P):  31398
             Likely benign or benign         (LB/B):  39584
             Uncertain significance            (US):   8763
                                              Total:  79745

In addition, some minor changes / updates in the documentation and
credits have been done.

This latest version is already available at Savannah, and the Python
Package Index (PyPi). Shortly will also be in your favorite Libre
operating system / distribution.

Again, thanks to all of you who collaborate and make GNU Health a

You can find this news at:

Happy and healthy hacking!
Dr. Luis Falcon, MD, MSc
President, GNU Solidario
Advancing Social Medicine

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If you have a working or partly working program that you'd like
to offer to the GNU project as a GNU package,

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