Alexander Baier <> writes:

>> I've just started using gnus again after some years
>> of absence.  I've reread parts of the manual without
>> finding answers to some of my questions.  I hope
>> someone herein can help me.  1. I like using topic
>> mode.  I'm a bit anal about the ordering of topics
>> and groups within topics but I was never able to
>> find out whether it is possible in gnus - to change
>> the display order of individual topics on the same
>> level - and to change the display order of groups
>> within topis.  Could you tell me if it is possible
>> to change the display order and if so how?
> You can kill and then yank back groups and topics,
> just like you would do it with normal text in a
> buffer. The usual key-bindings (C-k and C-y) apply
> here.

You can do that, but as long as there is some system to
the OP's desire that system is probably
implemented. Check out the help for
`gnus-group-sort-function'. I don't use topics, but I
have the below configuration to get the display order I
like, and at least what I can see, when I hit 't' (for
`gnus-topic-mode') that ordering is preserved.

(setq gnus-group-sort-function 'gnus-group-sort-by-real-name)

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