Göktuğ Kayaalp <s...@gkayaalp.com> writes:

> Hi,
> i'm kind-of screwed ATM.  I just started Gnus (M-x gnus), and it fetched
> my new mail online (via mail-sources), but then when I opened my inbox
> (an nnml folder), my tick marked messages were not listed as such
> anymore, and ‘/ o’ says ‘No old news’.  When I look at the mail folder,
> the messages are still there, but I can't access them through the
> summary buffer anymore.  I made a recursive copy of my mail folder.
> What's going on?  Thanks in advance.

If you're still in the running session, you might try a few "undo"s, and
see if that gets you back into a good state.

Otherwise, look at the group parameters for your inbox ("G p"). What
does is say for the "active" entry? That entry is Gnus' idea of how many
messages are in the group -- if it's gotten messed up somehow, it might
believe there are no messages in the group. What does it say?


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