After long hours of hacking, I am pleased to announce a new release of GWorkspace. I must thank Bertrand, Andres and others who both motivated and helped me to work on the translation work.

The major news in this release, among many bug fixes, are:

* more complete and corrected translations in major languages (Italian, French, Spanish and German)

* new thumbnail management: it is no longer a "service" managing a separate executable, but it is a built-in function executing in separate worker threads. This means less overhead, more speed especially on multi-CPU systems and ability to run on more than one directory at once

* the image content inspector no longer spawns a worker program, but uses an internal worker thread: quicker, less resource hungry and more reliable DO

* support for new themable icons (requires latest GUI version and up-to-date themes) like Movies and also some improved packaged icons

* localized names for special folders (e.g. Desktop, Downloads Images...). The real name must be in English but it will be displayed localized in the Workspace

* improved resizing algorithms, fix handling of alpha channels and less common byte per samples

Major bugfixes:

* major fixes in icon thumbnails and linked items

* major fixes in the search tool

* improved disk mounting/unmounting, disk management enabled without Desktop

* Dock icon ordering fixed

* listen to theme change notifications

* improved build system (uses gnustep make configured compiler) and more checks for portability

* improved portability, including compilation on windows

GWorkspace is GNUstep's File Manager and Desktop the best one around!

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