Sinclair sells opponent a six-figure ad buy, then surrounds it with its own 

By Al Tompkins · April 9, 2018

Sinclair Broadcasting Group, which all last week found itself on defense for 
forcing local news anchors to read corporate statements about fake news, now 
faces accusations that it sold advertisements to an opponent group but tacked 
on a warning before and after the ad without telling the advertiser it would 
"bookend" the spot.

This weekend, Sinclair Broadcast Group aired ads that were purchased by a group 
that opposes Sinclair's plans to expand its holdings. Allied Progress, which 
calls itself a "progressive consumer watchdog group," also included complaints 
about Sinclair's recent "news promotion" in which local anchors from its 
stations read a corporately written statement about the perils of "fake news."

Sinclair took the "six-figure" commercial buy for its stations in Washington, 
D.C., Baltimore, Des Moines and Seattle. But Allied Progress said it was 
surprised that Sinclair wrapped its own comments around the ad warning that in 
Sinclair's opinion, the ad is "misleading." 

Before the Allied Progress ad, Sinclair's preroll said it was "proud to present 
both sides of issues.  For that reason, we have agreed to air the commercial 
you are about to see opposing Sinclair's acquisition for additional television 
stations. We think the ad is misleading but wanted to let you decide."

Allied Progress executive director Karl Frisch told Poynter that he didn't know 
Sinclair was going to bookend the advertisement with its own message until the 
ads were airing. He told Poynter that as he watched he said:

"Gosh they are giving more scrutiny to our ad than than what they forced their 
anchors to say on the air."

This is a screengrab from the Allied Progress ad.

Frisch said Allied Progress hoped the ads attacking Sinclair would air on 
Friday but accused the company of "slow-walking" the airing until the weekend. 
He said his group is "looking into the contract" to see if it was a violation 
for Sinclair to bookend the ads without telling Allied Progress.  

"It is standard practice for a station to seek permission before bookending an 
ad with a content warning," Frisch said. "That did not happen here, which is 
hardly surprising coming from a company that doesn’t even subscribe to the 
basic pillars of independent journalistic integrity."

Allied Progress said the one-week ad buy aired on WJLA (ABC News) in 
Washington, D.C., KDSM (FOX News) in Des Moines, KOMO (ABC News) in Seattle, 
and Sinclair’s flagship station, WBFF (FOX News) in Baltimore.

Sinclair, through its PR company, sent Poynter a response attributed to 
Sinclair Vice President for News Scott Livingston:

“While Sinclair believes that most companies would not accept ads attacking 
them, Sinclair did so because it believes in presenting all sides of an issue. 
For the same reason Sinclair chose to present an alternative view. We trust 
that Allied Progress concurs with this support of free speech.”

Frisch quipped, "Our speech certainly wasn't free here. We paid for our time."

When asked by phone and by email whether Sinclair told Allied Progress that it 
would "bookend" the advertisement with its own warning and commentary, 
Sinclair's PR spokesperson, Ronn Torossian, told me, "Thanks you have our 
statement." Pressed further to answer Allied Progress' claim about not being 
told that Sinclair was going to bookend the ads, Torossian said, "You have a 
job to do, we have a job to do, you have our statement."

Allied Progress has been a long-time critic of Sinclair. Allied Progress 
describes itself as a "project of the New Venture Fund" which is a non-profit 
with income of $363 million in 2016 with a wide range of causes from 
conservation to the arts to activism. Frisch, Allied Progress' founder, is the 
former press secretary of Democratic Congresswoman Louise Slaughter and 
formerly worked for Media Matters, another frequent Sinclair critic. Allied 
Progress has called for FCC Chairman Ajit Pai to recuse himself from votes 
pertaining to Sinclair because, Allied Progress says, Pai is biased in favor of 
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