FCC says alleged cyberattack didn't happen

By Aris Folley - 08/06/18 05:57 PM EDT 0


The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) on Monday said that a cyberattack 
on its comment system that it claimed had taken place last year never actually 

FCC Chairman Ajit Pai issued a statement regarding the Office of Inspector 
General’s independent investigation into the alleged incident last year 
involving the agency's Electronic Comment Filing System.

“For several months, my office has been aware of and cooperating with the 
Office of Inspector General’s independent investigation into the incident 
involving the FCC’s ECFS that took place on May 7-8, 2017,” Pai said in the 

“The Inspector General’s office asked my office not to discuss this 
investigation while it was ongoing so as not to jeopardize it, and my office 
has accommodated that request.”

Pai said in the statement he was "deeply disappointed" that the FCC’s former 
chief information officer (CIO), whom he pointed out was hired by the prior 
administration and is no longer with the agency. Pai said the former CIO 
provided "inaccurate information about this incident to me, my office, 
Congress, and the American people."

"I’m also disappointed that some working under the former CIO apparently either 
disagreed with the information that he was presenting or had questions about 
it, yet didn’t feel comfortable communicating their concerns to me or my 
office," Pai continued.

The report arrives months after the government's top watchdog, the Government 
Accountability Office (GAO), agreed to investigate the now-debunked cyberattack 
targeting the FCC.

The agency’s comment filing system was brought down in May 2017 after comedian 
John Oliver slammed the agency for trying to scale back net neutrality rules 
during a segment on his HBO show.

The incident later generated speculation that the agency’s system had been 
overwhelmed with traffic because the comedian directed his viewers to file 
comments supporting the Obama-era net neutrality regulations.

However, the agency later said that the system had been targeted with a 
distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack, which overwhelms a website with 
massive amounts of fake traffic.

"Indeed, as the report documents, on the morning of May 8, it was the former 
CIO who informed my office that ‘some external folks attempted to send high 
traffic in an attempt to tie-up the server from responding to others, which 
unfortunately makes it appear unavailable to everyone attempting to get through 
the queue,’" Pai went on to say in his statement.

"In response, the Commission’s Chief of Staff, who works in my office, asked if 
the then-CIO was confident that the incident wasn’t caused by a number of 
individuals ‘attempting to comment at the same time . . . but rather some 
external folks deliberately trying to tie-up the server.’ In response to this 
direct inquiry, the former CIO told my office: ‘Yes, we’re 99.9% confident this 
was external folks deliberately trying to tie-up the server to prevent others 
from commenting and/or create a spectacle,'" Pai said.

Updated: 6:05 p.m.
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