Australia on the cusp of showing the world how to break encryption

You just pass a law, apparently

By Richard Chirgwin 12 Aug 2018 at 11:05

The Australian government has scheduled its “not-a-backdoor” crypto-busting 
bill to land in parliament in the spring session, and we still don't know what 
will be in it.

The legislation is included in the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet's 
schedule of proposed laws to be debated from today (13 August) all the way into 

All we know, however, is what's already on the public record: a speech by 
Minister for Law Enforcement and Cybersecurity Angus Taylor in June, and the 
following from the digest of bills for the spring session:

Implement measures to address the impact of encrypted communications and 
devices on national security and law enforcement investigations. The bill 
provides a framework for agencies to work with the private sector so that law 
enforcement can adapt to the increasingly complex online environment. The bill 
requires both domestic and foreign companies supplying services to Australia to 
provide greater assistance to agencies.

What's worrying to Vulture South is not so much the government sticking to the 
idea that there are magical powers to be had to decrypt strongly end-to-end 
encrypted messages.

It’s that there’s a persistent strain of authoritarian magical thinking that 
keeps looking for some kind of reality-hack that gives law enforcement what it 
wants without somehow breaking encryption. For example, defenders of the 
government’s position argues that you can keep encryption intact if you only 
attack end-user devices (say, a rootkit with screen-capture powers), and that 
proves that the government doesn’t want to break into networks.

Australia wants tech companies to let cops 'n' snoops see messages without 

In effect, it is argued, the government wants to force companies to push 
rootkits onto users to read received and sent messages without decrypting 
network traffic.

Apart from the dodgy technological sophistry involved, this belief contradicts 
what Angus Taylor said in June (our only contemporary reference to what the 
government has in mind).

“We need access to digital networks and devices, and to the data on them, when 
there are reasonable grounds to do so,” he said (emphasis added).

If this accurately reflects the purpose of the legislation, then the Australian 
government wants access to the networks, not just the devices. It wants a 
break-in that will work on networks, if law enforcement demands it, and that 
takes us back to the “government wants a backdoor” problem.

And it remains clear that the government's magical thinking remains in place: 
having no idea how to achieve the impossible, it wants the industry to cover 
for it under the guise of “greater assistance to agencies”.

Telcos (although not companies like Apple or Google) already provide plenty of 
assistance – lawful intercept, metadata, and the like – but the “greater 
assistance” is specifically in the context of access to encrypted 

It's nothing more than a legislatively-encoded rehash of FBI Director Chris 
Wray's plaintive call that since the technology existed to put a man on the 
Moon, technology must exist to decrypt communications.

Perhaps, like loonies who think someone's hiding the secret of burning water to 
power cars, governments believe the technology they want already exists, but 
telcos and tech platforms are hiding the fact. Stupidity or conspiracy: it's 
hard to know which is worse. ®
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