> Begin forwarded message:
> The BBC Is Struggling to Survive the Era of Fake News
> Tuesday, 22 December, 2020 - 05:45
> Max Hastings
> https://english.aawsat.com/home/article/2696831/max-hastings/bbc-struggling-survive-era-fake-news
> <https://english.aawsat.com/home/article/2696831/max-hastings/bbc-struggling-survive-era-fake-news>
> A group of Zurich University researchers this year published a study 
> comparing the vulnerability of 18 advanced societies to online 
> misinformation. The best defended, they concluded, were the Nordic nations, 
> led by Finland, with a resilience score of +7, followed by Denmark with +5. 
> The UK ranked fifth, with +4.
> Much more credulous were the southern Europeans. Greece was marked as -6, 
> Italy as -5. To some of us, however, the most dismaying conclusion of the 
> survey was that the US, the world’s largest economy, ranked last, with a 
> marking of -11.
> Americans, say the researchers, are most likely of all developed democracies 
> to believe fake news, to swallow conspiracy theories. The country has 
> “conditions that favor an easy dissemination of and exposure to online 
> disinformation.”
> We shall not here discuss manifestations of this phenomenon, related to 
> “rigged elections” and such. My focus is on why these findings should be as 
> they are, by considering an institution the UK possesses, but the US lacks. 
> The Zurich study found a common strand among the best-informed, least readily 
> deceived societies: All have strong, responsible public broadcast services. 
> These make them far less vulnerable to mendacious social media and partisan 
> news sources, of which Fox News is the most conspicuous.
> The UK, of course, has the BBC. Beyond its domestic audience, it boasts a 
> global reach of 426 million viewers and listeners, for whom its World Service 
> is among the most trusted of all news sources.
> Many Americans believe that BBC is a state broadcaster. Not so. It is, 
> instead, a curious hybrid, funded through a compulsory license payment for 
> the right to view and listen, topped up by a government subsidy toward the 
> costs of its World Service output. It is controlled by the BBC Board; while 
> the prime minister selects its chairman, it displays an independence that 
> often enrages Downing Street.
> The British Broadcasting Corporation was founded in 1922 as a private 
> company, then five years later turned into a public institution, governed by 
> royal charter. Today it has one of the largest international news 
> organizations, with 2,000 journalists, 50 news bureaus and a budget 
> approaching half a billion dollars.
> In a 2019 survey by Ipsos MORI that invited British people to choose a single 
> source to which they would turn for impartial news, 44% chose the BBC; 3% 
> favored the left-leaning Guardian newspaper; just 1% each, right-wing Daily 
> Mail and Sun newspapers. During the Covid-19 pandemic, BBC audiences have 
> soared.
> And yet, amazingly, the corporation trembles on its foundations. It is 
> besieged by formidable forces: right-wing politicians who now govern Britain; 
> competition for audience share from streaming channels such as Netflix; and 
> declining revenue — in real terms, its income has fallen by one-third over 
> the past decade.
> A new book by two British media researchers, Patrick Barwise and Peter York, 
> “The War Against the BBC,” asserts that Prime Minister Boris Johnson is “the 
> most hostile prime minister the Corporation has ever faced.” Beyond 
> ideological objections, he has personal grievances, deriving from its past 
> reporting of his extravagant love life.
> You might suppose that, when a towering national institution is imperiled, 
> cavalry would be riding to “the Beeb’s” rescue. This is not happening, 
> however. A range of rivals, headed by organs controlled by the Murdoch 
> family, which has controlled both Fox and Sky, bays for BBC to be vastly 
> downsized. They cite unfair state-aided competition, left-wing bias, wanton 
> extravagance by an institution that employs 22,000 full-time staff, and still 
> has an annual income of more than $5 billion.
> James Murdoch, the younger son of media empire-builder Rupert Murdoch, has 
> compared BBC to Pravda. In a prominent 2009 lecture, he said: “As Orwell 
> foretold, to let the state enjoy a near-monopoly of information is to 
> guarantee manipulation and distortion … Yet we have a system in which 
> state-sponsored media — the BBC in particular — grow ever more dominant.”
> Many of the elderly viewers and listeners who increasingly dominate its 
> audiences moan about the BBC’s alleged surrender to woke culture. It is 
> certainly true that its bosses, goaded by anxiety to woo the young and 
> minorities, have shown a politically reckless disregard for the sensibilities 
> and interests of their traditional audience. This is symbolized by BBC’s 
> recent announcement that it plans to spend $124 million on racial and gender 
> diversification. Grumpy pensioners complain that this is not what they pay 
> their license money for, and they have a point.
> Ah yes, the license. This is a concept so alien to other nations, that it 
> bears explanation. Some 95% of British households pay an annual charge of 
> $204 for the right to watch the BBC’s 10 national TV channels and listen to 
> its 11 domestic radio stations. The poor and those over 75 have since 1998 
> been spared license payment.
> The latter exemption was introduced at government behest, as a sweetener for 
> older voters, and paid for by the Treasury. But five years ago, the burden 
> was transferred to the BBC. As the population ages, it is costing the 
> corporation almost $500 million a year in lost revenue. Amid rage from the 
> elderly, echoed in their name by political leaders and newspapers, the BBC 
> has insisted on withdrawing the over-75 concession.
> The row is absurd, of course. The average British person accesses one or 
> other of BBC’s outlets for two and half hours a day, for which they pay 
> little more than 50 cents. For that, they get a stunning range of news 
> programs, together with drama of Jane Austen and Charles Dickens quality, 
> soaps, quiz shows, comedies such as “Fleabag” (and, in past days, Monty 
> Python and “Fawlty Towers”), “Strictly Come Dancing,” history documentaries, 
> the obsessively watched “Great British Bake Off,” the best children’s 
> programing in the world, and much else.
> Stop there, say the corporation’s critics: Most of this can as well be done 
> by commercial channels or streaming services. If the BBC is to be allowed to 
> survive, it should relinquish its role in everything save genuine public 
> service broadcasting, and be funded by subscription or advertising.
> Bloomberg

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