Trump’s Worst, Most Bizarre Statements About ‘the Cyber’

Andy Greenberg

In September of 2016, on a Hofstra University debate stage, journalist Lester 
Holt asked presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump how they'd 
improve American cybersecurity. When it came Trump's turn to answer, he let 
loose a torrent of barely connected ideas about "the cyber." The stream of 
consciousness started with how many admirals had endorsed him, reiterated his 
long-running theme that no one could prove Russia had hacked the Democratic 
National Committee, noted cryptically that "we came in with an internet, we 
came up with the internet," touched on ISIS "beating us at our own game," and 
finally ended with these words:

"I have a son. He's 10 years old. He has computers. He is so good with these 
computers, it's unbelievable. The security aspect of cyber is very, very tough. 
And maybe it's hardly do-able. But I will say, we are not doing the job we 
should be doing."

In that moment, it became clear to cybersecurity professionals around the world 
that, should this man obtain the most powerful office in America, the next 
several years of politics were going to be very painful to listen to.

Indeed, while Trump has gained a deserved reputation as the most dishonest 
president in American history on a multitude of  topics, few have inspired as 
much disinformation from him as “the cyber.” And no other issue, perhaps, has 
provided the confluence of factors to produce facepalming Trumpisms at such a 
high rate: complexity, ignorance of technical issues, and blatant conflicts of 

As Trump's term—and his Twitter feed—come to a close, these are the abysmal 
cybersecurity assertions and quotes that will resonate for years to come.

The DNC Hacked Itself

Trump's first major statement on cybersecurity as a presidential candidate was 
also one of his most absurd. In June 2016, The Washington Post broke the news 
that Russian hackers had penetrated the Democratic National Committee and 
stolen information that included the DNC's opposition research files on Trump. 
Security firm CrowdStrike, which had been helping the DNC defend against and 
respond to the hackers, quickly attributed the breach to two Russian hacking 
groups known as Cozy Bear and Fancy Bear.

Yet within 24 hours, Trump had released a statement to the press with his own 
baseless analysis: "We believe it was the DNC that did the ‘hacking’ as a way 
to distract from the many issues facing their deeply flawed candidate and 
failed party leader." He added another jab related to Clinton's private email 
server, whose deleted messages were still being investigated by the FBI: "Too 
bad the DNC doesn’t hack Crooked Hillary’s 33,000 missing emails.” (These 
missing emails would become another leitmotif for Trump: He would later claim 
in a presidential debate and beyond that Clinton had "acid-washed" or 
"bleached" the emails to destroy them and hide them from investigators. In 
fact, her IT staff had used the open-source deletion tool BitBleach to delete 
her non-work-related emails from the server, months before the FBI asked her to 
preserve them.)

‘Russia, If You're Listening’

Less than six weeks after accusing the DNC of hacking itself, Trump's rhetoric 
swung in the opposite direction: He actively asked Russia to hack Hillary 
Clinton and leak her emails. "Russia, if you're listening, I hope you're able 
to find the 30,000 emails that are missing. I think you'll be rewarded mightily 
by our press," Trump said. "If Russia or China or any other country has those 
emails, to be honest with you, I’d love to see them." Though Trump's supporters 
and surrogates dismissed the remark as a joke, the statement carried serious 
implications in the midst of Russia's hack-and-leak operation targeting the 
Democratic National Committee and the Clinton campaign. And it remained a 
bizarrely explicit public wish for the sort of collusion with Russian 
intelligence that Trump would proceed to deny for years to come. The 
investigation of FBI special counsel Robert Mueller would later show that 
Russian hackers had successfully phished Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta 
months earlier, tricking him into giving up his Gmail password, and were 
continuing to send phishing emails to Clinton aides even as Trump made his glib 
request for Russian hacking help.

The 400-Pound Hacker

Trump's notorious debate answer on "the cyber" also included a new theory of 
who actually carried out the DNC hack, one that's since come to represent every 
armchair detective's unfounded skepticism of hacker forensics. "She's saying 
Russia, Russia, Russia," Trump said, referring to Clinton's statements on the 
hack, based on evidence as glaring as Russian-language formatting error 
messages in the DNC's leaked documents. "Maybe it was. It could also be China. 
It could be someone sitting on their bed that weighs 400 pounds." The mythical 
400-pound hacker has since become practically a meme among cybersecurity 
professionals pointing to lazy attribution. It also inspired a renewed 
discussion on body shaming.

Our Cybersecurity Partner, Putin

By July 2017, six months into his presidential term, Trump had no doubt 
received countless intelligence briefings confirming that Russia was 
responsible for the breaches of the DNC and Clinton campaign. After all, the 
Office of the Director of National Intelligence had published a statement in 
October of the previous year, backed by 17 intelligence agencies, pinning the 
blame on the Kremlin with "high confidence." But Trump was still consulting his 
own source: Vladimir Putin. During a trip to the G-20 meeting in Hamburg, 
Germany, Trump says, he discussed the election interference campaign with Putin 
privately. His takeaway? “I said, ‘Did you do it?’ And he said ‘No, I did not. 
Absolutely not,’” Trump said in an interview with Reuters. “I then asked him a 
second time in a totally different way. He said absolutely not.” In another 
tweet following his meeting with Putin, Trump floated the Russian president's 
suggestion that the US and Russia jointly form an "impenetrable Cyber Security 
unit" to prevent further election meddling. Former defense secretary Ash Carter 
compared the idea to "the guy who robbed your house proposing a working group 
on burglary.”

‘Ukraine … the Server … CrowdStrike?’

It's one thing for Trump to have questioned who really hacked the DNC in public 
appearances, years after his own intelligence agencies gave him the answer—a 
kind of willful ignorance aimed at swaying public perceptions. But it's quite 
another matter for Trump to have chased nonsensical theories about the DNC hack 
in private conversations, a sign that he may have drunk so deeply from the 
conspiracy Kool-Aid that he'd come to believe his own lies. That's what was 
revealed in the transcript of a conversation Trump had in the summer of 2019 
with Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky: The phone call came to light 
because a whistle-blower heard Trump try to pressure Zelensky to open an 
investigation into the son of Trump's political rival Joe Biden—the request 
that would eventually lead to Trump's first impeachment. But the transcript of 
the call also captured Trump asking Zelensky vague questions about a 
CrowdStrike server in Ukraine, an element of a strange, false story about how 
CrowdStrike helped cover up what really happened inside the DNC's network. "I 
would like you to find out what happened with this whole situation with 
Ukraine, they say CrowdStrike … I guess you have one of your wealthy people … 
The server, they say Ukraine has it. There are a lot of things that went on, 
the whole situation," Trump said. Never mind that CrowdStrike is not a 
Ukrainian company. Or that no single server provided the full picture of the 
DNC breach. Or that the DNC shared a forensically preserved digital image of 
its systems with the FBI and CrowdStrike, not a physical server. Or that the 
FBI concluded that Russian agents had indeed hacked the network. The Zelensky 
call's real revelation was that Trump will always live in his own alternative 

‘No One Gets Hacked’

Just days before the November 2020 presidential election, Trump took a moment 
at a campaign rally to mock C-Span political editor Steve Scully, who had been 
suspended from his position for falsely claiming that a tweet he sent was the 
work of a hacker. “Nobody gets hacked. To get hacked you need somebody with 197 
IQ and he needs about 15 percent of your password,” Trump said. Trump's 
statements were followed by a report days later that his own Twitter feed had 
been hacked by a security researcher, reports which were confirmed in December. 
The same week as his "nobody gets hacked" claim, federal agencies unsealed an 
indictment against six hackers in Russia's GRU military intelligence agency for 
five years of attacks that included the most destructive cyberattack in 
history, imposed new sanctions on the Moscow research institute responsible for 
a uniquely dangerous piece of malware, and issued a public warning about an 
ongoing hacking campaign believed to be carried out by the FSB.

A ‘Rigged’ Election

Both before, during, and after the November 2020 election that he soundly lost 
to Joe Biden, Trump railed repeatedly against all assurances of the security 
and cybersecurity of the 2020 election. Trump's attacks on the election's 
integrity were so nonstop—from the debate stage to his Twitter feed, making 
baseless claims of dead people voting, fake mail-in ballots, and glitchy or 
hacked voting machines—that it's difficult to point to any single statement as 
the most egregious. In total, however, they may be the most damaging to 
American democracy of all his false statements about cybersecurity.
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