On 02/12/2013 02:05 AM, Ewoud Kohl van Wijngaarden wrote:

> While I agree with your point there is a slight nuance here. First of
> all we're in need of a solution that we can implement in a short
> timeframe because it's blocking other progress. For me personally I know
> how to configure libvirt and would have that up and running in no time.
> Then when we do have time we can start setting up oVirt. Something
> we've said is that we have two rackspace machines as well. We can set up
> oVirt there and convert the libvirt solution later.

One point against using libvirt to start came from DV in the Infra
meeting the other day - Daniel Veillard is a libvirt maintainer, so we
can trust his point. He figured there would be some complications
involved in converting VMs from libvirt to oVirt if we didn't set things
up most efficiently from the start.

So it sounds as if we can work around that potential issue, but it's
going to be more work in the end to start with libvirt and move to oVirt.

If we want an end-state of oVirt, maybe we need to go there first.
Perhaps scheduling some time for people-who-know-already to be present
for the oVirt Infra team when we do the work? Can we schedule some
sprints together?

- Karsten
Karsten 'quaid' Wade, Sr. Analyst - Community Growth
http://TheOpenSourceWay.org  .^\  http://community.redhat.com
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