On 02/28/2013 10:41 AM, Karsten 'quaid' Wade wrote:
> On 02/28/2013 07:24 AM, Doron Fediuck wrote:
>> http://etherpad-ovirtapps.rhcloud.com seems to have the etherpad service 
>> down.
>> Can someone please help?
> I'm asking on #openshift, but they don't have any known open issues:
> https://openshift.redhat.com/app/status
> I don't think I have an sshkey loaded for that app so I can't go restart
> it. I reckon that's most likely the problem - it fell down and can't get
> back up without some help.

Yes, this means the app is down and needs to be restarted by a maintainer:


- Karsten

> I forget who setup that service, that's one we need to bring in to the
> fold of shared keys and control from the other project maintainers.
> Here's my OpenShift key:
> ssh-rsa
> AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAACAQCiwdXXxIo5RxQuGDFmMIv/NXz/jhxsDxyuf7J3o/GdQDfp0QYIzpDjrNtIYq6wNUFRG/TNyY/HSujnY+rO62bNHRFtbGkx7oYHaqm6WTOz6Ic5CtCAJbxQYHyDov+Oq801r8kyrWRH1/jXhc76E0ddxh2i8Iw5xmknwqN9nU/ow0oaRbJqrGFFm/du2pZWOSDzsx6VUt4CaXR55M55QHwTPHOcycFu2U3EkBsniDAmMmmUcHrGtYA5neT8rKJ74Q3PFiC7MMZK/ge7YENtIB1QMpVZubsjqugYu3yBHUNs9f7fOZS/YF7tHl1S92r0KDxaq4BvBnW/5JdWdz7/6L9OexIQ7NTPyhxbX0Fmn7JOjT/AN+TUCz4WIGKp0hvG5QaP8Ttpfb6k4TUTtJcH9PgXaKsOFrLQX6LFBQFfiDogla/XMOgXdiZiQqeQ1mlxM04F7pZAcyMf7LqD6K6Uz0jodusRdK3ao5W4UMo7B0VGSUjEaEEcSDp1p4tvmx2Fi8lGfuROAIj5vI+ogEabZuBTTON0lDRjVQjqy9KUj4ckGLNq2nE8kagUhIvn9SLMXqjSA9A4ntfBZ+rlkMYcXJ6KRysE5aYgYbdXvJXy07E8adl+cOjSLoY/8rNUCujeXYCosXCtWkdKHJMMdwa4iRPMu52tLRD07H/uBQp7OFS2bw==
> kw...@terpsichore.fairy-talefarm.com
> Thanks - Karsten
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Karsten 'quaid' Wade, Sr. Analyst - Community Growth
http://TheOpenSourceWay.org  .^\  http://community.redhat.com
@quaid (identi.ca/twitter/IRC)  \v'  gpg: AD0E0C41

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