On 03/14/2013 04:53 PM, Itamar Heim wrote:
> On 03/14/2013 09:12 PM, Eyal Edri wrote:
>> 1 installation of ovirt AIO on F18 (so we can run nested vms there) -
>> on alterway/raxs
>> and all other servers can be added as hosts.
> why not try the 3.2.1 .el6 build on centos 6.4?

While I'm waiting for my permissions at RackSpace to be tweaked so I can
actually install an OS, I suppose we can discuss switching to these

What are some reasons pro/con for CentOS 6.4 compared to Fedora 18 for
this case?

- Karsten
Karsten 'quaid' Wade, Sr. Analyst - Community Growth
http://TheOpenSourceWay.org  .^\  http://community.redhat.com
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