08:46 < dneary> quaid, dcaro is looking into bullet proofing ovirt.org
against robiot attacks slowing us down, he's already doing
                Gerrit and would be interested in helping with www. as well
08:47 < dneary> quaid, Could we have his pubkey added for the oVirt
OpenShift account please?


You should have access to the OpenShift repo for www.ovirt.org. Let us
know if you've any questions. The app should still be set for hot_deploy
so it won't restart the website with changes. I'll send you the ssh and
git links separately; ideally you only use ssh for looking at the
running system, since it is replaced from the git repo on each restart.

- Karsten
Karsten 'quaid' Wade
http://TheOpenSourceWay.org  .^\  http://community.redhat.com
@quaid (identi.ca/twitter/IRC)  \v'  gpg: AD0E0C41

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