On 07/16/2013 10:02 AM, Dave Neary wrote:
> Hi Ewoud,
> Thanks for revising this thread!
> On 07/16/2013 03:36 PM, Ewoud Kohl van Wijngaarden wrote:
>> It's taken a bit to reply and this may not be a full response, but I
>> don't want this thread to die because I think you are correct. We do
>> need someone to organize the team. And I also know I'm not the ideal
>> person to do this. Primairly because I'm also lacking time and would
>> prefer to focus on the technical side with the little time I have free.
>> I also think having a face-to-face as as dneary proposed[1] is a great
>> way to kickstart the team and set some shared goals.
>> [1]: http://lists.ovirt.org/pipermail/infra/2013-July/003450.html
> Let's look at who is officially on the team, and who is active now:
>     eedri (maintainer)
>     ekohl (maintainer)
>     iheim (maintainer)
>     mburns (maintainer)
>     oschreib (maintainer)
>     quaid (maintainer) - inactive

Please re-read my email, I did not declare myself inactive. I said I
have a very narrow window of time to be active in a given week, and
without coordination I'm unsure what to do and often don't do much.

If the team is proposing to shift me to inactive, that's a different
story. I won't fight that.

>     rmiddle (maintainer) - inactive
>     dcaro (apprentice)
>     dneary (apprentice)
>     knesenko (apprentice)
>     rydekull (apprentice)
> I have spoken to several of the team, and I would like to propose Kiril
> Nesenko graduate from apprentice to maintainer based on his activity in
> recent months - I think he would also be an excellent choice for
> "cat-herder" for the group to ensure that we get the list of services
> which we have, what stuff is on each host (and where it should end up),
> what the process is for restarting/debugging/fixing broken services, and
> ensuring we don't end up in the situation where we're looking at each
> other saying "I dunno" when a question comes up in future.
> The top priorities for me are to solve the "linode01 is 97% full all the
> time" issue - anyone know where we can get more storage for that server,
> or where we have a lot of storage elsewhere, where we can move Gerrit
> and/opr downloads ASAP? This continually breaks mailing lists and Gerrit
> and we need to fix it soon.

We need to move off linode01 immediately, that's the only solution that
makes sense. Every time I add more storage, we fill it within a few weeks.

> Proposals? Comments? +1s for my nomination of Kiril?


- Karsten
Karsten 'quaid' Wade
http://TheOpenSourceWay.org  .^\  http://community.redhat.com
@quaid (identi.ca/twitter/IRC)  \v'  gpg: AD0E0C41

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