On 07/23/2013 07:34 AM, Alexander Rydekull wrote:
> 16:30:02 < dcaro> itamar: yes, but we have tem duplicated in linode01,
> under gerrit.ovirt.org-src-backup(deflated) and
> gerrit.ovirt.org-gerrit2-home-backup(compressed)
> 16:30:23 < itamar> i don't see a reason to keep this deflated (ping kwade
> on this - he set it up iirc)
> 16:30:24 < dcaro> those are directory names under /home/gerrit-backup
> 16:30:33 < Rydekull> yeah, that's what we thought
> 16:30:44 < Rydekull> so, let's check with quaid and then act accordingly
> All the roads lead to quaid.
> All kidding aside, quaid, do we have any good reason to have it deflated?
> Or can we remove that?
> All in all, is there a difference on the backups in
> gerrit.ovirt.org-gerrit2-home-backup compared with
> gerrit.ovirt.org-src-backup?

Also, be sure to disconnect the backup itself, I think it's run as a
cronjob on the gerrit server? I don't see any sign of it in the crontab
of root or gerrit-backup, nor in /etc/cron.* ...

- Karsten
Karsten 'quaid' Wade
http://TheOpenSourceWay.org  .^\  http://community.redhat.com
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