Build Number: 486
Build Status:  Still Failing
Triggered By: Started by timer

Changes Since Last Success:
Changes for Build #459
[Alona Kaplan] ovirt-system-tests: The bug causing the update to fail was fixed

[Eyal Shenitzky] Remove ioprocess build for s390x

[Daniel Belenky] Support mirrors and extra_sources in stdci runner

[Daniel Belenky] Use stdci_runner in ovirt-cq-tester

[Gal Ben Haim] Allow qemu to access $HOME

Changes for Build #460
[Alona Kaplan] ovirt-system-tests: The bug causing the update to fail was fixed

[Sandro Bonazzola] ovirt-engine: add 4.2.5.z, drop 4.2.3.z

Changes for Build #461
[Alona Kaplan] ovirt-system-tests: The bug causing the update to fail was fixed

Changes for Build #462
[Gal Ben Haim] HE: Added Local Maintenance Tests

Changes for Build #463
[Gal Ben Haim] HE: Added Local Maintenance Tests

Changes for Build #464
[Gal Ben Haim] HE: Added Local Maintenance Tests

Changes for Build #465
[Gal Ben Haim] HE: Added Local Maintenance Tests

[Daniel Belenky] stdci-containers: added shared dir

Changes for Build #466
[Gal Ben Haim] HE: Added Local Maintenance Tests

Changes for Build #467
[Gal Ben Haim] HE: Added Local Maintenance Tests

Changes for Build #468
[Gal Ben Haim] HE: Added Local Maintenance Tests

[Barak Korren] mock_runner: don`t store logs in source checkout

Changes for Build #469
[Gal Ben Haim] HE: Added Local Maintenance Tests

[Sandro Bonazzola] ovirt-wgt: exclude fc28 on 4.2

Changes for Build #470
[Gal Ben Haim] HE: Added Local Maintenance Tests

Changes for Build #471
[Gal Ben Haim] HE: Added Local Maintenance Tests

Changes for Build #472
[Gal Ben Haim] HE: Added Local Maintenance Tests

Changes for Build #473
[Gal Ben Haim] HE: Added Local Maintenance Tests

Changes for Build #474
[Gal Ben Haim] HE: Added Local Maintenance Tests

Changes for Build #475
[Gal Ben Haim] HE: Added Local Maintenance Tests

Changes for Build #476
[Gal Ben Haim] HE: Added Local Maintenance Tests

Changes for Build #477
[Dan Kenigsberg] network: present failed tests in result page

Changes for Build #478
[Dan Kenigsberg] network: present failed tests in result page

[Barak Korren] standard-enqueue: improve Gerrit message for V2

Changes for Build #479
[Dan Kenigsberg] network: present failed tests in result page

Changes for Build #480
[Galit] Print test junit error to standard output

Changes for Build #481
[Galit] Print test junit error to standard output

[Sandro Bonazzola] jobs: add new ansible roles projects

Changes for Build #482
[Galit] Print test junit error to standard output

Changes for Build #483
[Galit] Print test junit error to standard output

[Daniel Belenky] Update ost version selector for ost_manual

Changes for Build #484
[Galit] Print test junit error to standard output

Changes for Build #485
[Galit] Print test junit error to standard output

Changes for Build #486
[Dafna Ron] ovirt-master: replace ovirt-engine-lib with python2-ovirt-engine-lib

[Daniel Belenky] mock_runner: pass /dev/null to user script stdin

Failed Tests:
1 tests failed.
FAILED:  network-suite-4.2.tests.test_vm_operations.test_hot_linking_vnic

Error Message:
Error: Fault reason is "Operation Failed". Fault detail is "[Missing required 
parameter]". HTTP response code is 400.

Stack Trace:
running_vm_0 = <lib.virtlib.Vm object at 0x7f52c015c9d0>

    def test_hot_linking_vnic(running_vm_0):
        vnic = running_vm_0.get_vnic(NIC_NAME)
        assert vnic.linked is True
>       vnic.set_linked(False)

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 
network-suite-4.2/lib/ in set_linked
/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/ovirtsdk4/ in update
    return self._internal_update(nic, headers, query, wait)
/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/ovirtsdk4/ in _internal_update
    return future.wait() if wait else future
/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/ovirtsdk4/ in wait
    return self._code(response)
/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/ovirtsdk4/ in callback
/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/ovirtsdk4/ in _check_fault
    self._raise_error(response, body)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

response = <ovirtsdk4.http.Response object at 0x7f52c08a6c90>
detail = <ovirtsdk4.types.Fault object at 0x7f52c08a6890>

    def _raise_error(response, detail=None):
            Creates and raises an error containing the details of the given HTTP
            response and fault.
            This method is intended for internal use by other components of the
            SDK. Refrain from using it directly, as backwards compatibility 
        fault = detail if isinstance(detail, types.Fault) else None
        msg = ''
        if fault:
            if fault.reason:
                if msg:
                    msg += ' '
                msg = msg + 'Fault reason is "%s".' % fault.reason
            if fault.detail:
                if msg:
                    msg += ' '
                msg = msg + 'Fault detail is "%s".' % fault.detail
        if response:
            if response.code:
                if msg:
                    msg += ' '
                msg = msg + 'HTTP response code is %s.' % response.code
            if response.message:
                if msg:
                    msg += ' '
                msg = msg + 'HTTP response message is "%s".' % response.message
        if isinstance(detail, six.string_types):
            if msg:
                msg += ' '
            msg = msg + detail + '.'
        class_ = Error
        if response is not None:
            if response.code in [401, 403]:
                class_ = AuthError
            elif response.code == 404:
                class_ = NotFoundError
        error = class_(msg)
        error.code = response.code if response else None
        error.fault = fault
>       raise error
E       Error: Fault reason is "Operation Failed". Fault detail is "[Missing 
required parameter]". HTTP response code is 400.

/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/ovirtsdk4/ Error
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