On 04/30/2015 02:54 AM, Stephen John Smoogen wrote:
> So the playbook fails currently because the interfaces ifcfg-br-ex is setup 
> and restarted before the software for the
> type of bridge is installed. I am not sure if you want to fix that and have 
> me rebuild one more time? Or just go with
> the rebuild I just finished.

I just done:
check status of network (both NM and network were stop and disabled - really 
chkconfig network on
shutdown -r +30
service network start
   ... and no able to log/ping that machine any more
after 30 minutes (when the machine restarted) everything was normal and network 
So I just run those playbook again (both controller and compute nodes) and it 
works now.

I am really not sure how to automate and not sure if this is worth the work.
There are still things which have to be done manually anyway (e.g setting of 
quota on volumes), therefore I would
proceed and leave it aside.

Miroslav Suchy, RHCA
Red Hat, Senior Software Engineer, #brno, #devexp, #fedora-buildsys
infrastructure mailing list

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