Hi everyone,

I was planning on making a new release of pagure today, not realizing that we
were entering freeze.

I would like to hear more opinions about pushing this release, here is the
current changelog:
- Include the tags in the JSON representation of a project
- Add the ability to open a pull-request from a git repo not hosted on pagure
- Fix pagination when browsing the list of commits
- Fix the fork button when viewing the Settings of a project
- Adjust the example apache configuration file
- Add a favicon with pagure's logo
- Fix asynchronous commentting on pull-requests
- Start working on some documentation on how to install pagure
- Do no flash messages when a comment is submitted via javascript (ie: async)
- Do not blink the tittle of the page if the page is already on focus
- Retrieve ssh key from FAS and set it up in pagure if none is currently set-up

The remote PR needs a small DB change, everything else is pretty much bug fixes
or minor improvements.



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