On 10/19/2017 03:41 PM, Randy Barlow wrote:
> bodhi-3.0.0-0.0.beta[0] has been deployed to staging. We plan to ask for
> an FBR to deploy the final release when it is ready, but we plan to keep
> this in testing through Monday, with a theoretical Tuesday production
> deployment (assuming ACKs and testing goes well).
> This is a major release as it is backwards incompatible in how
> repositories are layed out, and technically the bodhi CLI also has a
> backwards-incompatibility too (the USERNAME env variable is no longer
> used, as it clashed with GDM's). Patrick plans to rework the sync script
> when we deploy to production so this will not impact our users.
> The primary purpose of this release is to switch to Pungi instead of
> mash for repository composition. This allows many things, but the big
> one is modular repository mashing, which is why we will be asking for a
> Freeze Break.
> [0] https://bodhi.stg.fedoraproject.org/docs/release_notes.html

Great work all!

Randy, have we collaborated with Adrian at all? I think mirrormanager will
need some updates. See:


Also I assume the work for this card is now done:


If so can we update/close that ticket? 

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