> My fear here is that someone will manually create something and we have
> to redeploy for some reason. They will be broken untll they manually
> remember to do what they did again. :(

It's not manual at all actually, the queues that should be declared are in
the app's configuration file, which is in ansible. The change that Jeremy
proposes is to let the apps (the AMQP clients) create the queues instead of
the ansible role.
In case of redeploy, on startup the app will recreate the queues and it
should work.

My concern, though, is that the broker will end up with queues resulting
from previous mistakes or typos and that we'll have to remove once in a
while to avoid polluting the UI.
Also, there's one thing I'm not sure I'm getting right, Jeremy. Do you plan
on giving users access to configure on any queues? ( ".*" ) Or just on a
queue matching their username? In the former there's a security risk to
allow a user to delete other user's queues, and in the latter I don't
understand how it relieves pain from the end user, since they have to get
their queue name right anyway. But I wasn't in your discussions with Adam
so I'm not sure what we're trying to simplify here. Is it about removing
the necessity to call the rabbit/queue Ansible role?

> Could we add a suoders that would let people run these commands as the
> monitoring user on one of the machines? But then I guess we would have
> to give shell access, but I like that much better than guest/guest.
> Thats sure to be abused.

Would it be sufficient to only allow monitoring access from within our
infrastructure network?

Would need to run any of these changes by our security officer too.


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