On Thu, Jul 9, 2020 at 6:03 PM Pavel Raiskup <prais...@redhat.com> wrote:
> On Thursday, July 9, 2020 4:51:29 PM CEST Tomas Tomecek wrote:
> > The biggest problem is that on github or gitlab, one needs to explicitly
> > install the app or integration so the downstream service can receive the
> > events. Exactly what github2fedmsg is supposed to do.
> Exactly :-/ what I think would be nice to have one common integration in
> each forge on common "Fedora level".  So we don't have to have
> team-specific integration apps (I'm just refering to the component graph I
> cited in original mail).

But the problem here is if the specific (CI) system wants to take
advantage of the forge app identity - e.g. set a commit status on PR
identified by the "Fedora app". We'd need to figure out identity
federation, somehow.

> > Our team should have quarterly planning in a month. Pavel, if this is
> > important to you, we can bring this up on the planning session and start
> > with the refactor/unification so that we can at least share the code for
> > parsing and processing of the event payloads.
> Sure, I mean .. it depends on how you found this useful for Packit service
> itself, if you think that it makes sense to define the unified event
> format - and if you could consume it?
> > Or we can set up a call and discuss directly so we all would understand
> > the requirements.
> I'll try to ping you on irc, thanks.

I'm not using IRC much lately as you found out :D

For anyone interested in this, we've set up a meeting to discuss this
on Mon, July 27th - ping me if you wanna join.

As for the usefulness - I personally don't see much of a use of such
service for us. My only point here is to share code, expertise and
experience we've gained so far in this field.

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