Dne 03. 03. 21 v 22:53 Kevin Fenzi napsal(a):
* All users in the 'packager' group have accounts on pkgs01.iad2
* All these users have a 'wrapper' on their ssh key that runs the pagure
wrapper that checks who they are, etc.

* only packagers have accounts for ssh, so non packagers just get permission
denied and it confuses them.

Non packagers are recommend to do
  fedpkg clone -a
which will use url=https://src.fedoraproject.org

How we could change it:

1) Do nothing. We could add packager again when we move to sssd/ipa and
everything keeps working pretty much the same way it does now.

I, as an user, would not appreciate any of this changes. So it is lot of work with zero benefits for users and nearly zero benefits for sysadmins. My $0.02.

Miroslav Suchy, RHCA
Red Hat, Associate Manager, Community Packaging Tools, #brno, #fedora-buildsys
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