Hi everyone,

This is a weekly report from the CPE (Community Platform Engineering) Team.
If you have any questions or feedback, please respond to this report or
contact us on #redhat-cpe channel on libera.chat (https://libera.chat/).

Week: 18th - 22nd of July 2022

If you wish to read this in form of a blog post, check the post on Fedora
community blog:

# Highlights of the week

## Infrastructure & Release Engineering
Goal of this Initiative
Purpose of this team is to take care of day to day business regarding
CentOS and Fedora Infrastructure and Fedora release engineering work.
It’s responsible for services running in Fedora and CentOS infrastructure
and preparing things for the new Fedora release (mirrors, mass branching,
new namespaces etc.).
The ARC (which is a subset of the team) investigates possible initiatives
that CPE might take on.
Link to planning board: https://zlopez.fedorapeople.org/I&R-2022-07-20.pdf
Link to docs: https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/infra/


### Fedora Infra
* New version of FMN released - removal of python-fedora requirement and
all FAS2 calls
* (almost) all builders reinstalled with f36 and bvmhosts moved to RHEL9 or
Fedora36. There’s a few arm buildhw’s to be done after the mass rebuild.
* FMN (py2) caught up finally, still needs fas2. Looking to switch to FMN
(py3) soon.
* Some recent rabbitmq / fedora-messaging cluster problems. Gave it more
memory and hopefully it’s happy again.
* Finally got *.fedoraproject.org ssl cert working with “FUTURE” encryption.
* 5 new aarch64 machines and ½ new shelf of netapp storage arriving soon.

### CentOS Infra including CentOS CI
* Mirror requests
* Duffy migration tasks
* Business as usual

### Release Engineering
* Mass rebuild starts later this morning (Wed 20th) unless any last minute

## CentOS Stream
Goal of this Initiative
This initiative is working on CentOS Stream/Emerging RHEL to make this new
distribution a reality. The goal of this initiative is to prepare the
ecosystem for the new CentOS Stream.

* A Stream 8 compose has been pushed to correct some repoclosure issues
with the kernel
* Lots of PTO

## Package Automation (Packit Service)
Goal of this initiative
Automate RPM packaging of infra apps/packages.

* Datagrepper is with packit
* Mirrormanager2 in progress

## Flask-oidc: oauth2client replacement
Goal of this initiative
Flask-oidc is a library used across the Fedora infrastructure and is the
client for ipsilon for its authentication. flask-oidc uses oauth2client.
This library is now deprecated and no longer maintained. This will need to
be replaced with authlib.

* Pull request is in https://github.com/fedora-infra/flask-oidc/pull/8
* Worked through the comments/suggestions from Aurelien
* NEED EXPERIENCED TESTERS (to help write tests, need to update existing
tests, scenario is complex, mocking out Ipsilon responses etc feel free to

Goal of this initiative
Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux (or EPEL) is a Fedora Special Interest
Group that creates, maintains, and manages a high quality set of additional
packages for Enterprise Linux, including, but not limited to, Red Hat
Enterprise Linux (RHEL), CentOS and Scientific Linux (SL), Oracle Linux

EPEL packages are usually based on their Fedora counterparts and will never
conflict with or replace packages in the base Enterprise Linux
distributions. EPEL uses much of the same infrastructure as Fedora,
including buildsystem, bugzilla instance, updates manager, mirror manager
and more.

* EPEL9 is up to 6608 (+266) packages from 3083 (+127) source packages
* Sponsoring of new packagers with interest in EPEL
* Add python-tenacity to resolve ansible-lint fail to install bug
* Notable package additions:
  * keepassxc
  * asciinema

## FMN replacement
Goal of this initiative
FMN (Fedora-Messaging-Notification) is a web application allowing users to
create filters on messages sent to (currently) fedmsg and forward these as
notifications on to email or IRC.
The goal of the initiative is mainly to add fedora-messaging schemas,
create a new UI for a better user experience and create a new service to
triage incoming messages to reduce the current message delivery lag
problem. Community will profit from speedier notifications based on own
preferences (IRC, Matrix, Email), unified fedora project to one message
service and human-readable results in Datagrepper.
Also, CPE tech debt will be significantly reduced by dropping the
maintenance of fedmsg altogether.

* Early days - pre-planning talks done today
* Scoping/research/fact finding from the arc investigation
* Possibility of using Vue instead of React on frontend, typescript vs
javascript also a possibility, FastAPI for the backend API

Kindest regards,
CPE Team
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