> I was going to say that one thing you need to 'add' is announcing this plan 
> of changes to devel and users mailing lists and the equivalent discourse at 
> least 3 times.

Very true, thanks for the suggestion, I would not have communicated
enough. Sadly, people don't like surprises.

> I guess I would expect to just leave them all disabled and let the user go 
> enable them again once they can log back in?

Noted, thanks.

> schedule a time to roll out the new and move the old so people know to expect 
> it.

How about next week? Any preferred date besides Friday?

> fmn has been alerting a lot. I am pretty sure from your description this
>is because when it's rebuilding it's cache it doesn't process anything.

That's very likely indeed.

> We could just bump the check up to like 40000 or something?
> Or you all could revisit just continuing to process while rebuilding the 
> cache?

OK I bit the bullet and changed the way this situation is handled. FMN
will now continue processing messages and rebuild the cache in the
background. As a result, the changes will be effective when the cache
rebuild is done. I think that's indeed the best way forward, and I
should have done that initially. Anyway.
The change is running in production already, and it seems to work as expected.
The queue should not pile up anymore.
I'm also now storing in the cache DB the time it took to rebuild the
main caches, so we can have an estimation of what's going on. It's not
very accessible at the moment but the data is there.

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