On 04/08/2023 02:25, Ryan Lerch wrote:
I just would get a discussion started with the process of
semi-formalizing the grouping and naming guidelines for the Fedora
GitLab instance.

Currently there are a bunch of groups with subgroups in the main
/fedora/ namespace:


Depending on how we decide to group, some of these may remain there
(or possibly be grouped together in another group) This is however
some repos and groups that i'm not sure what they are or could
probably be moved into some existing groups:

* Source Git group (https://gitlab.com/fedora/src) -- not what you
think it only has 4 repos so far
* Fedora Podcast (https://gitlab.com/fedora/podcast) could possibly go
under marketing maybe
* Packager-Tools (https://gitlab.com/fedora/packager-tools)
* people (https://gitlab.com/fedora/people) a private group with one repo in it

This might have to be something that we have a meeting to discuss and
figure out a scheme?


Hi Ryan,

We more or less discussed that with Kevin in the past and for CentOS groups (all coming from same common IPA infra) I proposed that we used something like :

Let me explain : Assuming that we need to grant the CentOS Automotive SIG access to gitlab, the name in FAS/IPA is : gitlab-centos-sig-automotive-developer (https://accounts.fedoraproject.org/group/gitlab-centos-sig-automotive-developer/)

Same rule but for openshift/ocp : we need to grant the hyperscale sig access to the openshift CI centos infra : https://accounts.fedoraproject.org/group/ocp-cico-hyperscale/

It's then easier to identify which group has access to what (gitlab/openshift/etc) *while* keeping the existing groups, as IPA supports nested groups (so the ocp-cico-hyperscale group in fact contains the sig-hyperscale group (https://accounts.fedoraproject.org/group/sig-hyperscale/)

At least that's the naming convention we agreed on so that we can also easily identify if that's a fedora/centos group (all the sig-* groups weren't following that naming convention as they were coming from previous FAS and so imported/merged with the fedora groups in IPA, but there was no conflicting group back then)

Fabian Arrotin
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