I just got off the phone with Rackspace and the maintenance has finally
been completed. I've re-enabled Jenkins, cleaned up some of the timer
based jobs so we had a smaller queue and it's now working through
verifies and merges :)

Everything is looking good.


On 11/26/2016 08:41 AM, Andrew Grimberg wrote:
> So... they started earlier than expected as there was a miscommunication
> on the time. As such, maintenance is now happening! I'll send out a note
> when everything is finished.
> -Andy-
> On 11/22/2016 11:58 AM, Andrew Grimberg wrote:
>> Greetings folks,
>> This is just a reminder notice that this maintenance window is happening
>> this coming Saturday and to also note that it has been expanded by 1.5
>> hours on the front end since there is a hardware issue that needs to be
>> addressed before the OpenStack upgrade happens.
>> Times have been updated in the subject and original body accordingly.
>> -Andy-
>> On 11/09/2016 11:07 AM, Andrew Grimberg wrote:
>>> What: Rackspace will be performing an upgrade of OpenStack on the
>>> private cloud that OpenDaylight uses for CI. An entire environment
>>> shutdown will be needed due to the nature of the upgrade path
>>> When: November 26, 2016 (2016-11-26) from 10:30 - 18:00 PT (2016-11-26
>>> 18:00 - 2016-11-27 01:00 UTC)
>>> Why: We're still early enough in the Carbon cycle and there are
>>> presently SRs that are scheduled right at that time that taking an
>>> extended outage shouldn't be a problem. Since the private cloud is
>>> presently running on the Kilo release of OpenStack it's time to start
>>> getting it updated to newer versions.
>>> Rackspace will be performing system level updates as well as upgrading
>>> OpenStack from Kilo to Liberty. An upgrade from Liberty to Mitaka will
>>> be scheduled at a later time
>>> Impact: Since our private cloud environment is so small it is not
>>> feasible to do a rolling cloud restart at this time. In particular,
>>> since we have systems that use cinder storage and our current cinder
>>> cluster is very small, we cannot do rolling upgrade / restarts on the
>>> storage nodes which means that any instances that are using that storage
>>> _must_ be turned off during the updates. Since the nodes that are the
>>> most strongly impacted are Gerrit, Nexus and Jenkins we're taking the
>>> advice of Rackspace and will be shutting down all CI services when
>>> Rackspace gets to the phase of the updates requiring system reboots.
>>> What the community will see during the window are some instability in
>>> getting to Gerrit as the hot updates are being applied. Eventually all
>>> services will be brought offline as the hardware gets rebooted. Jenkins
>>> will be placed into maintenance / shutdown mode near the start of the
>>> window so that any running jobs will have an opportunity to finish but
>>> new ones will not start.
>>> Notices will be sent to the mailing lists and to #opendaylight on
>>> Freenode at the start and end of the maintenance.
>>> -Andy-

Andrew J Grimberg
Systems Administrator
Release Engineering Team Lead
The Linux Foundation

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