On 29/10/2018 03:09, Jenkins wrote:
> Attention dlux-devs,
> Autorelease oxygen failed to build dlux-web from dlux in build
> 467. Attached is a snippet of the error message related to the
> failure that we were able to automatically parse as well as console logs. 
> Console Logs:
> https://logs.opendaylight.org/releng/vex-yul-odl-jenkins-1/autorelease-release-oxygen/467


[INFO] Downloading
https://nodejs.org/dist/v8.12.0/node-v8.12.0-linux-x64.tar.gz to
[INFO] No proxies configured
[INFO] No proxy was configured, downloading directly
Oct 29, 2018 2:09:36 AM org.apache.http.impl.execchain.RetryExec execute
INFO: I/O exception (java.net.SocketException) caught when processing
request to {s}->https://nodejs.org:443: Network is unreachable (connect
Oct 29, 2018 2:09:36 AM org.apache.http.impl.execchain.RetryExec execute
INFO: Retrying request to {s}->https://nodejs.org:443


[ERROR] Failed to execute goal
com.github.eirslett:frontend-maven-plugin:1.6:install-node-and-npm (npm)
on project dlux-web: Could not extract the Node archive: Could not
extract archive:
EOFException -> [Help 1]

infra issue?


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