Hi Monifa,

Thank you for your generous offer, and we're looking forward to
initiating services with you in 2018.  We're in process of working with
our non-profit organization regarding the legal/financial arrangements;
I will contact you once that work is complete and we have an account
registered.  We will look forward to including your badge on our site
this coming year.

Thanks again,

On Thu, Nov 02, 2017 at 02:36:52PM -0400, DO Sponsorships wrote:
> Hi Bryce,
> Thank you for reaching out and your interest in DigitalOcean hosting your
> project.
> We’d be proud to support your endeavor by offering you $500 in DigitalOcean
> hosting credit. Unfortunately, due to the number of requests we receive, we
> cannot offer any more than that. If you would like to accept our offer,
> please email us back with your DigitalOcean email login and we’ll credit
> the account directly there.
> Should you have the opportunity to display who hosts your project, you can
> find our logos/badges here: https://www.digitalocean.com/
> company/logos-and-badges/
> Let us know if you have any questions/concerns, or if there is anything
> else we can assist you with.
> Warm regards,
> Monifa Contaste
> On Sun, Oct 15, 2017 at 1:53 AM, Ryan Gorley <r...@dijt.co> wrote:
> > Good DO Peeps,
> > I've forwarded a call for a new hosting sponsor for the Inkscape
> > <https://inkscape.org/en/> project. This is a well-established,
> > broadly-used, open source project. A recent survey showed that a
> > substantial portion of its users match the profile for potential DO
> > customers:
> >
> >    - 41% UI/UX Designers
> >    - 27% Web Developers
> >    - 27% Web Designers
> >    - 26% Software Engineers
> >    - 16% Scientists/Researchers
> >
> > I've been a long-time DO user and naturally thought of you when I saw this
> > email. I've cc'd Bryce Harrington, who is one of the project founders and
> > the originator of the request. It seems like there would be great synergy
> > is such a sponsorship, and I hope you'll reach out to Bryce. Thanks for
> > being so willing to use your influence to make the world more awesome.
> >
> > *Ryan Gorley*
> > Managing Partner | Dijt
> > <https://dijt.co>
> >
> > 1.801.999.1530 <(801)%20999-1530> ×101 | 1.801.898.7926 <(801)%20898-7926>
> > 3336 S 300 E, Salt Lake City, UT 84115
> > <https://maps.google.com/?q=3336+S+300+E,+Salt+Lake+City,+UT+84115&entry=gmail&source=g>
> >
> > ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> > From: Bryce Harrington <br...@bryceharrington.org>
> > Date: Thu, Oct 12, 2017 at 12:51 PM
> > Subject: [Inkscape-devel] Request for hosting sponsorship for the Inkscape
> > Project
> > To: inkscape-annou...@lists.sf.net, inkscape-de...@lists.sf.net
> >
> >
> > Inkscape is seeking to improve its online service hosting.  To this end
> > we're soliciting proposals for donation/sponsorship of hosting services
> > for the project.
> >
> > The Inkscape Project is a non-profit, volunteer-driven organization that
> > develops and maintains the popular Inkscape vector drawing software,
> > provided freely to millions of artists, designers, and other drawers of
> > lines.  Our website is at http://www.inkscape.org
> >
> > If you would be interested in sponsoring us through a donation of
> > hosting service, we would be happy to add you to our sponsors page, with
> > a mention & link on our main website's footer.  Proposals can be sent to
> > me as contact point.  These will be presented to Inkscape's board, who
> > will make the final determination in about a month's time.
> >
> >
> > == Background ==
> >
> > We currently have various services hosted at a number of different
> > locations with widely varying administrative capacities.  We would like
> > to centralize the administration of these services, such as
> > consolidating them onto one platform.  We also want room and flexibility
> > to easily install additional services as we grow.
> >
> > Services high on our priority list to migrate soon include mailing
> > lists, Mattermost, and wiki.  Bug tracking, web forum and gitlab are
> > potential secondary priorities.  Our Django-based main website may also
> > be worth consolidating at some point in the future.
> >
> > For redundancy, we'd like to engage two distinct hosts, with one as a
> > primary and the other backup/space, preferrably in geographically
> > distinct areas (e.g. Europe and Canada).
> >
> >
> > == Requirements ==
> >
> > We think that a suitable machine would look something like this:
> >
> >                Minimum        Desired
> >                Required       Ideal
> > CPU:           dual core      quad core
> > RAM:           4 gb           256 gb
> > Storage:       500GB          >1 TB (HW RAID-1)
> >                HDD            SDD
> > Bandwidth:     1 TB/mo        2 TB/mo
> > OS:            Any linux      Ubuntu 16.04
> >
> > We like the straightforwardness of physical (metal) hardware, but could
> > consider virtual options if we can get similar levels of flexibility and
> > expandability.
> >
> >
> > * UPS power backup
> >
> > * 24h support at the datacenter
> >   - For hardware (metal) options, a technician would need to be
> >     available for handling hardware issues, to do OS
> >     installation/reinstallation, hook up KVM/IP if available, and to
> >     investigate faults that can't be diagnosed remotely.
> >
> > * Server would be under the administrative and technical management of
> >   the Inkscape admin team (about 6-8 people).  We would have root access
> >   to the machine for doing system updates and to install/configure
> >   software and services.
> >
> > * We expect to be managing/maintaining our software ourselves.  Items we
> >   anticipate migrating to this include (in rough order of priority):
> >
> >   + Mailman3
> >   + Mattermost
> >   + Wiki (mediawiki currently)
> >   + Forum (e.g. hosting for inkscapeforum.com)
> >   + Bug tracker (TBD)
> >   + Gitlab
> >   + Other project management tools
> >   + Website / Django
> >
> > * Inkscape does not handle anything particularly controversial.  No
> >   copyright infringing materials, nothing political, nothing
> >   intentionally offensive.  Our windows binary has been false-positived
> >   by virus software in the past, but we clear this up ourselves.
> >
> > * Currently our website hosting is sponsored and managed by OSUOSL.
> >   It's a root access virtual machine running postgresql, memcached,
> >   nginx and the django site itself.  Memory usage is 450MiB per web host
> >   thread, currently 2 threads, plus 500MB for postgresql and 500MB for
> >   memcache.  CDN is hosted by Fastly, currently serving 32TB per month
> >   for Inkscape (1:1.5 ratio US:EU, so more EU hits overall).  There's
> >   enough dynamic content that we still see a decent load (1/2 TB/mo) on
> >   the server, notably around major releases (once every year or two); we
> >   are continuously tweaking optimizations.
> >
> >
> > ------------------------------------------------------------
> > ------------------
> > Check out the vibrant tech community on one of the world's most
> > engaging tech sites, Slashdot.org! http://sdm.link/slashdot
> > _______________________________________________
> > Inkscape-devel mailing list
> > inkscape-de...@lists.sourceforge.net
> > https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/inkscape-devel
> >
> >
> -- 
> We're hiring! <https://www.digitalocean.com/company/careers/> |
> digitalocean.com | @digitalocean <https://twitter.com/digitalocean>

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