My vote:

1. a.
2. a.
3. a.

On Mon, Jan 15, 2018 at 8:22 AM, Tavmjong Bah <> wrote:
> I vote a for all questions.
> Tav
> PS. THere is a typo in 2d.
> On Sun, 2018-01-14 at 19:52 -0800, Bryce Harrington wrote:
>> We'll be having our 2018 Hackfest in Boston in March.  Funding for
>> this
>> will follow the same model as last year's Paris hackfest.  We do not
>> have attendance estimates yet, but expect it to be similar to past
>> events and so are budgeting for 9 attendees.
>> Your vote is needed on the planned Inkscape Hackfest.
>> Proposals:
>> ----------
>> 1. Sponsor a hackfest in Boston for March, 2018:
>>     Total cost estimate for 9 people is roughly $13k.
>>   - [ ] a.  Yes, sponsor hackfest in Boston as proposed.
>>   - [ ] b.  Approve holding a hackfest, but recommend making the
>>             following alterations:
>>             ___________________________________________________
>>   - [ ] c.  Do not approve holding a hackfest
>> 2.  Reimburse using a ranked system similar to 2015/2016/2017
>> hackfests.
>>   - [ ] a.  Use ranked reimbursement.  Long term, high commit
>> developers
>>             are sponsored up to a higher maximum than new developers.
>>   - [ ] b.  Use open ended.  We'll fully cover all valid expenses
>>             incurred by the sponsorees.
>>   - [ ] c.  Other:
>>             ___________________________________________________
>>   - [ ] d.  Do not reimburse for Paris hackfest expenses
>> 3.  The Inkscape Board sponsors a dinner event, to be funded from the
>>     Inkscape general fund (instead of the hackfest fund), for
>> Hackfest
>>     attendees and guests.
>>   - [ ] a. Yes.  Allocate $600 from Inkscape's general fund for a
>> dinner.
>>   - [ ] b. Yes, but handle funding the dinner in a different way:
>>            ____________________________________________________
>>   - [ ] c. No, do not fund a sponsored dinner for the hackfest.
>> Allocation for attending hackfest:
>> * Up to $2000 each for Inkscape developers who have contributed for
>> 3+
>>   years and > 200 commits.
>> * Up to $1500 each for Inkscape developers who have contributed for
>> 2+
>>   years and > 100 commits.
>> * Up to $1000 each for Inkscape developers who have contributed for
>> 1+
>>   year and > 50 commits.
>> * Up to $500 each for any Inkscape contributor listed in AUTHORS file
>> with
>>   at least 10 commits by Jan 1, 2018.
>> Votes:
>> ------
>> > Board Member         | 1. | 2. | 3. |
>> > -------------------- |:--:|:--:|:--:|
>> > Bryce Harrington     | a. | a. | a. |
>> > Josh Andler          |    |    |    |
>> > Tavmjong Bah         |    |    |    |
>> > Ted Gould            |    |    |    |
>> > Martin Owens         |    |    |    |
>> > Marc Jeanmougin      |    |    |    |
>> > Chris Rogers         |    |    |    |
>> Resolution:
>> -----------
>> Background:
>> -----------
>> Past hackfests have provided excellent opportunities for Inkscape
>> developers to meet in person, discuss the project and coordinate work
>> on bug-fixing, feature planning, and other efforts.  In the past
>> we've
>> sometimes sought to align the location and time of the event with
>> conferences or groups in the area to permit external collaborations
>> as
>> well.  Boston is home to Red Hat and a number of other important
>> companies in the FOSS community, and we hope to extend invitations.
>> Martin Owens has volunteered as event coordinator for the hackfest
>> event (with help from Tav).
>> -------------------------------------------------------------------
>> -----------
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