Vote: a.

This meeting should be considered a sort of half way point for our
prospective 1.0 release. Hopefully we can focus on jobs relating to
this preparation.

Do we know how possible it is to invite a MacOSX packager to join us?
It's something that needs sorting out for 1.0 proper.

Best Regards, Martin Owens

On Sat, 2018-06-02 at 11:52 -0700, Bryce Harrington wrote:
> A majority vote of the current board members is required for the
> following matter.
> Shall Inkscape hold a hackfest in Kiel, Germany in fall of 2018?
> A detailed proposal for this event can be found at:
> Funding decisions for this event will be conducted in a separate vote
> subsequently.
> Proposal:
> ---------
> Your vote is needed on the planned Inkscape Hackfest.
>  - [ ]  a.  Yes, hold a hackfest in Kiel, Germany
>  - [ ]  b.  No, skip holding this hackfest
>  - [ ]  c.  Other recommendation:
>             _____________________________________
> Votes:
> ------
> > Board Member         | 1. |
> > -------------------- |:--:|
> > Bryce Harrington     |    |
> > Josh Andler          |    |
> > Tavmjong Bah         |    |
> > Ted Gould            |    |
> > Martin Owens         |    |
> > Marc Jeanmougin      |    |
> > Chris Rogers         |    |
> Resolution:
> -----------
> Background:
> -----------
> See for the
> details of the event.
> We expect the cost to be on the order of what past events have run,
> in
> so probably in the range of $5k-$15k total, consisting almost
> entirely
> of travel and lodging costs, as venue and supplies costs are
> projected
> to be modest.
> For funding levels, we've discussed perhaps trying something
> different
> than we've done traditionally, in order to facilitate broader
> participation and to help motivate attendance by people newer to the
> project or more tangentially involved, so we can benefit from their
> perspectives and perhaps help tie them into the project more deeply.
> We want a bit more time to think and discuss these ideas, and to get
> a
> better feel for attendance levels, so will be holding off on voting
> approval for travel sponsorship arrangements to a second vote after
> this
> one to formally decide on holding the event in Kiel has passed.
> -------------------------------------------------------------------
> -----------
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