The board meeting today was very thorough (and ran waaay long).  A few
key points:

Bug tracking got a lot of discussion.  We seem to have a consensus
building around the idea that we should start fresh in gitlab, with bugs
manually migrated if they can still be reproduced.

Sounds like Spreadshirt is close to being ready to announce officially.
CRogers is also working with for some higher quality
embroidered shirt options, but that's still in planning stages.

We have two hackfests to plan so far for 2019.  In March we'll hold one
associated with SCALE in Pasadena, CA, but are still looking for venue
spaces.  May will see one in Europe associated with LGM.  We're in the
early phase of planning in both cases; if you're interested in assisting
with event planning this would be a great time to get involved.  I'll
doublecheck how hackfest fundraising has been progressing and report at
tomorrow's Vectors meeting.

The Inkscape 1.0 release is getting increasing focus.  Mc has drafted a
planned schedule that gives us Inkscape 1.0 by the middle of next year.


Action items:
    == Merchandise Sales ==
    ♢ ACTION: Coordinate announcement of spreadshirt with hackfest [crogers, 
vectors team]
    ♢ ACTION: Check with Conservancy on status of sticker production [doctormon]
    ♢ ACTION: Email Bryce with evaluation/details about 
merchandise service, for preparing board vote [crogers]
    ♢ ACTION: Board vote on [bryce]

    === Future meetings/hackfests ===
    ♢ ACTION: Check into pre/post SCALE meeting options & AirBNB [tedg, scislac]
    ♢ ACTION: Propose some options and concrete plans for hackfest at SCALE 
    ♢ ACTION: Review hackfest fundraising in/out progress [bryce]

    === 0.92.4 Release ===
    ♢ ACTION: Kickoff 0.92.4 release [bryce]
    ♢ ACTION: Remember to put correct version string in AC_ for 0.92.4 [bryce]

    === 1.0 Release ===
    ♢ ACTION: Check in with people doing test case conversion [Tav]
    ♢ ACTION: ping jimmac/barbara about the symbolic icons for adding the theme 
to Inkscape [scislac]
    ♢ ACTION: Plan video for Inkscape 1.0 release [crogers]
    ♢ ACTION: Brainstorm plans for 1.0beta / 1.0 commemorative merch [crogers, 
    ♢ ACTION: Review bug fix list [bryce]

On Tue, Oct 02, 2018 at 08:46:14AM -0700, Bryce Harrington wrote:
> Our monthly board meeting is scheduled for Friday, Oct 5th,
> at 10am Pacific in #inkscape-devel.  All members are welcome.
> Agenda:
> -------
>     * Past hackfests: recap.
>     ** [ Kiel]
>     * Future meetings/hackfests.
>     ** [ SCALE] - March 7th-10th,
>        2019 (Pasadena, California)
>     ** [ LGM 2019] - May 30th-June 3rd
>        (Saarbrucken, Germany) Proposed. (About two hours by train from
>        Paris.)
>     * Infrastructure
>     **
>     * Merchandise sales
>     ** Spreadshirt
>     ** Evaluate self-serve merchandise sales - spreadshirt, cafepress,
>        Golden Ribbon, Think Penguin or similar [Mc]
>     * Action Items
>     * Other Business
> Action Items from last meeting:
> -------------------------------
>         == Merchandise Sales ==
>         ♢ ACTION: Investigate for merchandise [crogers]
>         ♢ ACTION: Coordinate announcement of spreadshirt with hackfest 
> [crogers, vectors team]
>         ♢ ACTION: Check with Conservancy on status of sticker production 
> [doctormon]
>         === Future meetings/hackfests ===
>         ♢ ACTION: Set up wiki page for SCALE hackfest [Tav]
>         ♢ ACTION: Check into pre/post SCALE meeting options & AirBNB [tedg, 
> scislac]
>         ♢ ACTION: Propose some options and concrete plans for hackfest at 
> SCALE [tedg]
>         === 0.92.4 Release ===
>         ♢ ACTION: Kickoff 0.92.4 release [bryce]
>         ♢ ACTION: Remember to put correct version string in AC_ for 0.92.4 
> [bryce]
>         === 1.0 Release ===
>         ♢ ACTION: Check in with people doing test case conversion [Tav]
>         ♢ ACTION: ping jimmac/barbara about the symbolic icons for adding the 
> theme to Inkscape [scislac]
>         ♢ ACTION: Plan video for Inkscape 1.0 release [crogers]
>         ♢ ACTION: Brainstorm plans for 1.0beta / 1.0 commemorative merch 
> [crogers, tedg]
>         ♢ ACTION: Review bug fix list 
> [bryce]
>         ♢ ACTION: Plan bug management for 1.0 [bryce,Mc]
>         === Outreachy ===
>         ♢ ACTION: Verify that outreachy project proposal is written and 
> available online [doctormo]
>         ♦ ACTION: Check with fundraising status on outreachy, and finalize 
> vote [bryce]
> Transcripts of previous meetings:
> ---------------------------------
> Bryce

> ERMnAJ9z/NVn4rg1VJk09P/bVr1NbUeWygCfcsXQq5SAidiPLAZNSV+OPUfKztQ=
> =QZ45

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