Sun Nov 11 15:05:20 2012: Request 81094 was acted upon.
Transaction: Correspondence added by SISYPHUS
       Queue: Inline
     Subject: Inline build fails using INSTALL_BASE
   Broken in: 0.50, 0.51
    Severity: Critical
       Owner: Nobody
      Status: open
 Ticket <URL: >

On Sun Nov 11 11:31:44 2012, wrote:
> Hi Rob-
> Perhaps the problem is perl version specific as I
> have not had trouble building Inline with perl 5.10.x
> from cygwin.  This build was with the latest cygwin
> perl 5.14.2.
> The good news is that since all this was installed
> in a separate location, I should be able to reproduce
> the bug using a different INSTALL_BASE.  Of
> course, I need to get PDL up and running first but
> will follow up with the details when I can do so.
> --Chris

I've just installed the latest cygwin-1.7.17 (perl-5.14.2) on a Windows 
7 box, and then installed Inline-0.51 (and its dependency chain) into 
~/modules by specifying INSTALL_BASE=~/modules.

I still didn't strike the problem you reported - but I did something a 
little differently.
When it came to installing Parse-RecDescent-1.967009, the Makefile.PL 
croaked because EU::MM was at version 6.57_05, but 6.62 was needed. 
Rather than opt for an earlier version of P::RD, I installed version 
6.62 of EU::MM (also into ~/modules) and all then went fine.

Having done that, I then re-jigged things to build Inline-0.51 (perl 
Makefile.PL INSTALL_BASE=~/elsewhere) using version 6.57_05 of EU::MM 
and got exactly the same problem as you did.

Apparently that's the version of EU::MM that originally shipped with 
5.14.0 ... I haven't checked which version of EU::MM shgipped with 
5.14.2 ... is upgrading to a later version of EU::MM an acceptable 
solution to this problem ?


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